Rindu Rasulullah..

Jumaat.Hari ini. Mata ini dah mcm panda sebab melayan cter korea my princess sampai ke subuh. Owh,fokusnye akuu!

Petang tadi,memandangkan dah x de cter nak tgk, layan pencetus ummah akhir. Sebelum ni macam nak x nak je tgk kan. Tasknye about our muallim..rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Ya Allah..tetiba jadi khusyuk plak dengar. Especially pu hafiz. Menitis airmata bila dengar sahabat pertahankan nabi ketika perang uhud including Nusaibah, wanita muslimah yg turut syahid mempertahankan rasulullah.

Malamnye,sebelum tgk maharaja lawak bukak channel tv9. Owh,halaqah ari ni. Tajuk: Ukasyah pukullah aku. Ukasyah? Sape tu? Bile dgr ustaz Zul cerita..ya Allah..berjurai2 air mata ni. Bagaimana para sahabat sanggup diqisas Ukasyah menggantikan rasulullah yg masih gering. Namun sahabat mulia Ukasyah ini sebenarnya gunakan peluang ini semata-mata untuk memeluk tubuh rasulullah. Ironik sungguh. Kasih yang tidak berbelah bahagi. Subhanallah!

Ustaz kata lagi..kita selalu tertanya kenapa ek x rasa ghairah pun nak selawat? Mulut nie berat je. Sedangkan dalam al-Quran pun Allah dan para malaikat berselawat ke atas junjungan nabi. Tapi kita? Sebabnye memang Rasulullah tidak pilih kita pun! *Sentap gler kalbu ni*.

Allahu rabbi.Rasulullah pilihkah aku?. Macam nie k umat Muhammad? Pu hafiz kate dakwah rasulullah plg berkesan adalah akhlak. So, to show that we love Rasulullah is selawat. Show the proof that we are really ummat Muhammad. Tonite onwards till I die, In sya Allah, I will practice to share my love to my muallim. Allahumma salli ala saidina Muhammad. May Allah bless..amin. *and plz nafsu, dont make me focusing on korean drama again!*

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Barakallah hazid n liyana;)

Alhamdulillah..selesai majlis resepsi sepupuku, hazid n pasangannya liyana. track tol korang ek. Tgh2 bz belajar kat japan pun dpt juga dirikan masjid." Barakallahu lakuma wabaraka alaikuma wajamaa bainakuma filkhair";)

Majlis diorang kat dewan STRIDE Kajang. Huhu..first time wedding kat tempat tentera nie.heheh. Anyway,mmg gorgeous gler korang ari ni. Selamat honeymoon on board to japan mlm ni.hahaha..

#seperti biase, rmai tnye aku ni bole lg? sya Allah, give me chance to rebuilt myself esp my heart. Tang hati ni nak kena service lebey sket.huhu..u kmow what i mean. Allah knows better after all. Chill!

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Bila rindu terungkap

1.1.14. Sarawak.Dah 5 bulan terputus khabar. Bukan sengaja,tapi terbatas masa.

Alhamdulillah mlm nie sempat bertanya khabar walaupun msg je. Try call x berjawab. Pakcik hanapi yg balas. Tnye bile nak dtg lg merasa durian n cempedak di kg melayu tebakang. Ah,meliuq da chek! Mujur x banjir kampungnye. N sempat lg pesan, hormat org tua n jaga diri..huhu..

Rindunya kat pakcik hanapi,makcik( x ingat name plak..aihh), auni,harit n aufa. Mesti da besar2 da korang skrg. Yg abg 2 org tue segan eh nk ckp. Hehe..

Rindu jambatan goyang2, naik sampan panjang halus n mandi sungai, mee kolok,laksa lg..n segala lauk pauk yg makcik masak! *pedih da perut ni x mkn dinner td* uwaaaa....

Moga Allah temukan lg kami very2 soon. In sya Allah;)

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New Year 2014!

Alhamdulillah..still in a good health, good life to go through this 2014.

Like previous years, I am not going anywhere. Juz sit in front of tv. And when the 12 oclock arrived, all of us watched the fireworks at i city from the window. need to waste time to be there!

In 2013, many things happened in my life. Kind of misery. i survive my master degree even though my thesis need pretty much correction! Alhamdulillah..but till now i didnt start the correction. Pasai 6 months punye duration la. Better do it now fatin!

Still unemployed. That's my status now, but not forever. Still searching n keep trying. May this year I can earn my permanent job's salary. Ameen. *today ive got news that im not successful for dis year ptd. Alrite then. I 'll try again!*

So what im doing now is being a tutor to my youngest bro for SPM. IKHLAS KERANA ALLAH. Huhu..kind to myself of not being paid for this job. Hehe..

Really miss to have a lot of vacations in this 2014. Hope to get permission for pursuing my phd in oversea. Please dad!

*May I found my future bff@husband to be together thru the life of better muslim n be together in jannah. Ameen.

Till next time..nite.Asslamualaikum;)

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Exam PTD..

Ari nie,tanggal 13 April 2013, giliran aku n ijat@adik aku amik exam ptd. This is not my first time. So,cam wat x kisah je. Haha..

Sesampai pg td tepat2 kul 9 pg. Haha..kelam kabut ko. Ngan ape kejadah pakai high heels plak g exam. Tempat exam plak kat aras 4. Pe lagi,tanggal kasut pastue berlari pecut ngn kaki ayam.hehehe..

Bile da panik. Agak stress sket wat soklan A. Argh..but seb baik soklan byk da pnh kuar last year punye. Alhamdulillah..
Soklan B. Wow,senang gler! Cukup2 je mase nak mengira.hehe..alhamdulillah;)

Soklan esei malay n english. Aku fokus kepada tajuk yg libatkan perpaduan. Huhu..gagasan 1malaysia n generation gap. Insyaallah ok kot ngn fakta n hujah yg bole tahan even ayat da mcm ape ntah.hahaha..

So far so good. Tinggal doa n tawakal. InsyaAllah ade rezeki dapat g accessment n interview. Yeah..chaiyok2!

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Sejarah Daulah Khilafah Islamiyah

Dear Belogku,

Huhu..becoz today is Jumaah, I would like to share the truth history of our Daulah Islamiyah. So awesome that I can watch them continuously for three hours! Haha..Thanks for those who made these documentaries. May Allah bless u allz;)

It's time to change our paradigm!!!

Sejarah Daulah Khilafah Islamiyah - 1 (Permulaan Peradaban Islam)
Sejarah Daulah Khilafah Islamiyah - 2 (Kejayaan Peradaban Islam)
Sejarah Daulah Khilafah Islamiyah -3 (Menguasai 3 Benua)

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Adiah besday..25!

Alhamdulillah,31 mac semalam genaplah suku abad aku di dunia fana ni. Terima kaaih ya Allah atas rezeki ini. Semoga bertambah amal solehku,kasih sayangku,syukurku,taubatku, atas kurniaan Engkau ini ya Allah.

Seronok dpt celebrate wif family. Walau keluar duit poketnye..huhu..bahagia itu lebih dirasa. Thanks sgt2;)

Ramai yg wish n doa di fb.thank you u allz. Padahal aku dah lama x wish kat korg.hehehe..
Anyway, i love u allz!

Pic ni adiah dr best fren lab aku, Min n Faris. On d spot diorg beli.hahaha..tgk2da ad atas meja! Awesome! Tenkiu2. May Allah bless all of us;)

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